But, this blog isn't about Tassie ... :)
We find it difficult to resist good food and wine. Accompany that by a little music, and we're completely powerless, so as exhausted as we were, yesterday we headed off to the Food, Wine and Music Festival at Belgenny Reserve (part of Camden Festival - we'll have a booth at the Lions Street Fair next Sunday!)

We met so many lovely people there, we ate, we drank, we danced in our seats on the grass listening to the music ... too tired to actually get up and boogie - but that didn't stop the kids - they were right up in front of the stage shaking their little backsides along with the band - Heaven Can Wait.

Fresh Lemonade and Crunchy Belgian Chips with Dutch Mayonnaise, served with a smile :) No idea what made them so European, but they sure tasted good in Camden!
The chips and lemonade weren't quite enough though, so we made sure we got to every booth we could! Tasted some really yummy wines, from Belgenny Farm & Wollombi Wines (Wollombi also make a yummy Semillon Chili Sauce - highly recommended!), and ate some more .... sausage sandwich and chorizo and chicken skewer ... Proper diet is all about balance you know - we needed a variety of food to go with the variety of wines. (Plus, after a week in Tassie, we had no groceries in the house for lunch!)

Chicken marinated with Lime and Chili Dressing from Ebony Hall Gourmet Food (their dressings are an absolute bargain - go get them at Cobbity Markets!!!), a little more dressing on the salad, and complemented by a nice cold rose from Razorback Ridge Wines.
Yummy, yummy day :)
(Oh, and that's one of the kids in the background wearing his t-shirt from Youth Solutions - thanks girls :)
Glad you enjoyed the event! Will aim to deliver another great event next year! Cheers, Megan@CamdenCouncil